Part 451181

Datalogging/Printing Anemometer+Psychrometer

Measure, record, print and download air flow measurements to a PC

  • Simultaneously measures and displays Air Velocity, Temperature,Humidity, Wet Bulb, plus calculates CFM/CMM
  • Manually log measurements (99 points) or setup time interval for automatic logging (2400 points)
  • Datalogger date/time stamps and stores data for later recall, printing or downloading to a PC
  • Thermal printer prints air velocity, temperature, humidity, wet bulb, and CFM data with date and time stamp
  • Backlit display for operating in dimly lit area
  • RS-232 PC interface with Windows® 95/98/NT/2000/ME/XPcompatible software to analyze data on PC

E & E Process Instrumentation