Clamp-On Meters
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Clamp-On Meters
Clamp-On Meters
Clamp-On-Meters Meters from Extech Instruments.
CAD $220.00
EX622: 400A Dual Input AC Clamp Meter + NCV + IR Thermometer
AC Clamp-on meter with built-in dual Thermocouple inputs, NCV Detector and InfraRed Thermometer
CAD $252.00
EX623: 400A Dual Input AC/DC Clamp Meter + NCV + IR Thermometer
AC/DC Clamp-on meter with built-in dual Thermocouple inputs, NCV Detector and InfraRed Thermometer
CAD $94.00
EX710: 800A Clamp Meters
Functions include Capacitance and Temperature.
CAD $126.00
EX720: 800A Clamp Meters
Functions include Capacitance and Temperature.
CAD $178.00
EX730: 800A AC/DC Clamp Meter
AC/DC Current, True RMS, Temperature and DC Zero
CAD $157.00
EX810: 1000A AC Clamp Meter with IR Thermometer
AC Clamp-on multimeter with built-in non-contact InfraRed Thermometer
CAD $58.00
MA200: 400A AC Clamp Meter
AC Current model to meet your application needs.