PT-L9/L13/L14 Series (mV/V) Pressure Transducers
The sensor consists of silicon piezoresistive strain gages arranged in a Wheatstone bridge configuration mounted on a single piece, stainless steel diaphragm. The output is conditioned for 100 mV full scale output for all ranges (10 mV/V). The sensor, along with a hybrid temperature compensation network, is packaged in an all stainless steel housing for use in harsh environments. Applications These transducers are the economical answer for all general purpose pressure measurements where a cost-effective, high reliability unit is required. The small size and weight (2 oz.), integrated hybrid compen sation and rugged construction make this unit an excellent all purpose transducer with an extremely long life for virtually all static and dynamic pressure measure ment applications. Millivolt Output Pressure Sensor
Specifications Performance
Part Number 4-pin bayonet mating connector (E3) with cable 509010-10XX* Downloads