Dickson Instruments - Genuine monitoring solutions, temperature, humidity and pressure chart recorders, data loggers and remote monitoring systems.
Dwyer Instruments
carries an extremely wide variety of products. What we have attempted to do with this section is provide you with a sampling of the products which are available to you.
Products Featured:
Flow | Pressure | Level | Temperature | Data Acquisition
Fuji Electric products feature Fuzzy Logic Controllers and Inkjet Recorders, Programmable Controllers, the PX, and PY Series of Controllers and the PH Series of Strip Chart Recorders.
Monarch Instrument products feature the Examiner Meter - Vibration Meter and Electronic Stethoscope, Fiberscopes - Flexible Fiberscope Inspection Tools, Laser Alignment Systems, Paperless Recorders - DataChart Recorder Series, Portable Stroboscopes, Portable Tachometers and Leak Detection equipment.
Partlow-West Company provides a wide range of mechanical, analog, and microcontroller based instrumentation. These products include indicators, controllers, setpoint programmers, and recorders which handle process variables such as temperature, pressure, level, and flow.
Products Featured:
Electronic Controllers | Electronic Recorders