Zellweger Analytics Portable Gas Dection Monitors
![]() Impulse XT was inspired by customer needs and technically crafted to be quite simply the easiest and most cost effective to use personal single gas unit on the market. Utilising patented Surecell and Reflex technology, the Impulse XT provides 24/7 user confidence. That means solid, reliable and continuous protection... always. Through our Customer Partner Programme, Honeywell Analytics identified that the market demanded more than tiny good looks. Our valued partners said that in addition to a small and rugged design, single gas monitors must offer comprehensive sensor options, simple operation and most importantly reliable, accurate readings without false alarms triggered by common radio interference. Simple one button operation reduces time consuming and costly training. Our unique Temperature Compensation and Cell Output Decay Compensation features ensure improved accuracy across wide temperature ranges, providing our 2 year, no calibration needed facility. Impulse XT is your out-of-the-box solution to simple, XTra Sensory Detection.
Cost Effective
Easy to Use
Excellent EMC/RFI performance
Reliable Operation
Durable Housing
Versatile Clip Design
Large Display Uses distinctive icons to illustrate:
Demanding Alarms