
WF-305 Dust and Water-block Filter for Gas-Ranger
and Gas-Sentry (5/pkg)
WF-505 Dust & Water-Block Filter for Gas-Rover
and Gas-Explorer (5/pkg)
WF-205 Dust & Water-block Filter for Plastic
Gooseneck Probes (5/pkg)
- WF-605 Dust & Water-block filter for Plastic Gooseneck on Hose (5/pkg)
WS-001 Water Stopper with Push Button Water
FF-005 Standard Flue Gas Filter for Standard
& Long Flue Probes (5/pkg.)
- FF-105 Extended Duty Flue Gas Filter for Extended Duty Flue Probe (5/pkg)
- FF-205 Small NOx and H2S Filter for Standard Probe (5/pkg)
- FF-305 Small Flue Gas Filter for FP-112 (5/pkg)
HF-005 Heavy Hydrocarbon Filter - Refillable
- HR-050 Activated Carbon & Spare Retaining Disks (50 refills of HF-005)
- HF-105 Plastic Nuts for Heavy Hydrocarbon Filter
IF-105 Inlet Filter and Threaded Air Intake
for Gas-Sentry (5/pkg)
IF-205 Inlet Filter and Quick Connect Air
Intake for Gas-Sentry (5/pkg)
IF-305 Inlet Filter and Quick Connect Air
Intake for Gas-Ranger (5/pkg)
QF-501 Quick Connect Fitting for Gas-Explorer
- IF-705 Inlet filter and Quick Connect Air Intake (5/pkg) For Gas-Rover and Gas-Explorer
BF-001 Bar Hole Filter for Gas-Rover
DS-001 Dust-stopper (with replacable filter)
DF-105 Replacement Dust Filters (5/pkg)
DF-205 Dust Filters for Gooseneck Probes (5/pkg)

MS-001 Methane Sensor for Gas-Sentry (except
CGC-300 & 310)
MS-002 Methane Sensor for CGC-300 and CGC-310
MS-302 Methane Sensor for Gas-Ranger
MS-501 Methane Sensor for Gas-Explorer
MS-601 Methane Sensor for Gas-Rover
- MS-101 Combustible Gas Sensor (for CGA-501)
- PS-001 Propane Sensor (for CPI-201 and CPC-301)
- PS-401 Combustible Gas Sensor (for CGA-401)
CO-001 Carbon Monoxide Sensor for all CO detectors
except CGA series
CO-002 Carbon Monoxide Sensor for CGA series
CO-301 Combined CO/H2S Sensor for Gas Ranger,
Rover and Explorer
CO-302 Carbon Monoxide Sensor for RGA-611
or 612
OS-001 Oxygen Sensor (for CGO-321)
OS-002 Oxygen Sensor (for CGA series detectors)
- OS-301 Oxygen Sensor for Gas Ranger
- OS-501 Oxygen Sensor for Gas Rover and Explorer
Replacement Parts, Manuals and Videos

CD-001 CD Training Video - Sentry & Ranger
(operation, sampling, calibration)
PD-305 Pump Head and Diaphragm Assembly for
Ranger (5 sets/pkg)
- PD-205 Pump Head and Diaphragm Assembly for Sentry (5 sets/pkg)
- PD-505 Pump Head and Diaphragmr Assembly for Rover and Explorer (5 sets/pkg)
- PM-001 Pump Motor with Connector
- PM-101 Low Current Pump Motor (for CGA-501 & CGA-512A)
- PA-201 Pump Assembly for Gas-Sentry with Installation Procedure (without motor)
- IM-### Intake Manifold with PPD-305 Pump Head and Diaphragm and Alarm(### = Model Number of Detector)
- AC-### ABS Case (without BC-001, ### = Model Number of Detector)
- BC-001 Battery Compartment Cover
- CB-### Main Circuit Board (### = Model Number of Detector)
- RP-002 Rubber Plugs (set of 2)
- OM-300.V2 Operating Manual for CGC-300 & 310, CGI-200
- OM-797 Operating Manual for D-CAL
- OM-895 Operating Manual for CPI-201 & CPC-301
- OM-1102 Operating Manual for CO-150, CM-120, CGO-321, CGC-301 & 311, CGI-201 & 211
- OM-0100 Operating Manual for CGA-411 & CGA-412
- OM-1195-1 Operating Manual for CGA-401
- OM-0798 Operating Manual for CGA-501
Carryalls and Instrument Cases

Gas-Sentry Carryall with Pouch, Shoulder Strap
& Detachable Window
DW-001 Detachable Clear Window for CC-001
SS-001 Shoulder Strap for Gas-Sentry
IC-301 Instrument Case for Gas-Ranger
- RB-001 Rubber Boot with Shoulder Strap & Belt Clip
- IC-001 Instrument Case for Gas-Sentry Detectors (16"x13"x6")
- IC-101 Small Instrument Case for Gas-Sentry Detectors (14"x9"x4")
- IC-501 Instrument Case for Gas Rover and Explorer
- GC-001 Calibration Gas Case (holds a calibration apparatus and spare tank)
Accessories for Calibration and Maintenance

BG-005 Two in One Bump Gas (5/pkg)
MC-105 Methane and CO Calibration Gas (2.5%
CH4 & 100 ppm CO) 105 Liters
MC-620 Methane and CO Calibration Gas (2.5%
CH4 & 100 ppm CO) 620 Liters
BG-620 Boost Gas (580 liters)
- BG-840 Boost Gas (8400 liters)
- PCA-001 Manual Methane and CO Calibration Apparatus (with MC-105 & FR-001)
- CAP-001 Manual Propane and CO Calibration Apparatus (with PC-105 & FR-001)
- HCA-001 Manual Pentane and CO Calibration Apparatus (with HC-105 & FR-001)
- CGD-001 Automatic Calibration Gas Dispenser (connects only to manual apparatus)
- BGA-302 Boost Gas Assembly (with BG-620 & FR-402)
- CT-100 Calibration Tags (2" x 1", 100/pkg.)
- AC-001 A-CAL Upgrade for Gas-Sentry
- DC-001 D-CAL Upgrade for Gas-Sentry
- BF-001 Boost Gas Firmware
- DA-001 Daisy Chain Adapter for Simultaneously Boosting 2 Gas-Sentry Detectors
- TB-512 Threaded Hose Barb (with 3 feet of tubing)
- PC-105 Propane and CO Calibration Gas (1.05% Propane & 100 ppm CO)
- HC-105 Pentane and CO Calibration Gas (0.75% Pentane & 100 ppm CO)
- HN-105 Non-flammable Methane Simulant (31% Helium in Nitrogen)
- MH-105 Hydrogen Sulfide in Methane Simulant (58 liters)
- FR-001 Low Flow Regulator for 105 liter tanks (500 cc./min.)
- FR-401 On-Demand Regulator for MC-620
- FR-402 On-demand Regulator for Boost Gas BG-620 and BG-840