ACR Nautilus135 Single-Channel Waterproof Temperature Data Loggers

Nautilus135,Single,Channel,Waterproof,Temperature,Data,Loggers,ACR,SystemsThe high temperature capabilities of the ACR Nautilus135 make it the ideal logger for monitoring temperature in extreme environments or environments where conventional data loggers are not able to survive.


Temperature Range
10°C to 135°C (50 to 275°F)
+/- 0.5°C (+/- 0.9°F)
Sensor Type
Negative temperature Coefficient (NTC) Thermistor
10,000 ohms @ 25°C (77°F)

Ordering Information

Model Case Catalogue #
NTL-102 Aluminum 01-0263
NTL-103 Stainless 01-0264

Single-channel waterproof temperature data logger
Single-channel waterproof temperature data logger.
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